And so it begins...

As most of you already know, I joined the ranks of home owner yesterday. Southwest Virginia has been home since my freshman year at Virginia Tech (with the exception of about 6 months after graduation) and now it's quite a bit more permanent. I've wanted to make the jump from renting to owning for a while now but it just wasn't feasible. Getting student loans paid off in January helped some, but I never could have taken this step without a great deal of help from my Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob. A measly blog post can't even begin to express my gratitude so I will simply say 'thanks' and 'I miss you'.

It's been a hectic past 36 hours, but many of you have already been clamoring for pictures. Here are a handful to get the gist. It's located in the Raleigh Court region of the 'noke and was built in the 1950's. 2 real bedrooms, 1 bath, a den/study, full basement (1/2 finished, 1/2 garage). The finished half of the basement has another room that will most likely be another guest room. The plan is to paint a couple of the rooms upstairs (ground floor) so all of these pictures are 'before' shots.

I'll post 'in progress' pics and 'after' shots as things progress. The house warming shindig is beginning to be discussed, date TBA!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah! I'm so happy for you. Sorry we couldn't make it there this weekend. :(
    Hope you get the things you want to done! Good luck and let us know if there's anything we can do!


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