Review - The Avengers
The Avengers (2012), PG-13, 142 minutes - Wow. I'm completely nerding out right now. I've had high hopes for The Avengers for a while now. Ever since the idea of cramming a bunch of super heroes into a single movie was teased with the post credits scene of Iron Man. Hopes were raised even more when Marvel announced that Joss Whedon would direct. That's right, Joss Whedon. He who has an amazing resume when it comes to highly entertaining tv and film revolving around character driven stories with a large, diverse cast. The Avengers really couldn't have been put in better hands. But even though I had raised my hopes so high, the comic book nerd in me wondered if The Avengers would really work on the big screen. Could you fit that many characters in a movie that wasn't five hours long? And if you could get a script down that solved those potential problems, could you piece together a cast that could set aside egos and bring it all to life? I never should