
Showing posts from March, 2012

Most Anticipated Films of 2012

This is my third attempt at getting this post completed, and it appears that I may have finally been successful.  My netbook decided to shut itself down the previous two times I was in the middle of composing this post.  Good thing for blogger's constant save feature so that I didn't have to start from scratch each time. I put together a 'most anticipated' list last year and figured that I'd do it again.  After all, I'm long overdue for a post and compiling lists are always fun.  What's that you say?  It is already late March?  Well yes, but luckily for me, only one of the films on my list has already been released (it is still in theaters as we speak) and another doesn't come out until Friday.  So as late as this is, it actually isn't.  Or that's what I'm telling myself at least.  Anyway, let's get to it! Honorable Mention:  Ok, ok, I'm sort of cheating here.  But these are 3 movies that I'm also pretty excited about and ha...