Review - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011), PG-13, 117 minutes - ... ... ... ... that you've had a few moments to get over the shock of my taking the time to review the latest installment of the Twilight series, please allow me a brief moment of explanation. The reason for my blog has always been to share thoughts and opinions of newly released films with friends because I quite often get the question 'was such and such a movie any good?'. When I'm in the habit of posting, I also try to post something about any new release I have seen. And since I ended quite a long stretch of inactivity here on my blog last weekend, I feel that it's only fair that I continue what little momentum I built by writing about this weekend's movie viewing. Some of you who are more familiar with my movie tastes may know that a couple years ago I had rented the first Twilight movie from NetFlix. I knew that I was by no means part of the film's target...