Review - Draft Day

Draft Day (2014), PG-13, 109 minutes - I must apologize, I've gotten a little behind the last couple of weeks. My wife and I are in the process of selling our house and the last few weekends have been reserved more for yard work and de-cluttering than theater hopping. I actually saw this film a couple weeks back when we had some rainy weather that wasn't allowing me to work on the yard. 2014 seems to be a year of resurgence for Kevin Costner. Over the past four years, he appeared in only two films: The Company Men (2010), and last summer's Man of Steel. Draft Day is his third film to hit theaters already in 2014 and it is only April (the others being Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and Three Days to Kill). It also marks his return to a genre that he is arguably the king of: the sports film. Draft Day, as one could guess by its terribly cryptic name, is about the NFL Draft and the wheelings and dealings employed by the teams involved (but focusing pr...