
Showing posts from December, 2019

Indie Comic Preview - Going to the Chapel [2019] #4

Going to the Chapel [2019] #4 - (W) David Pepose, (A) Gavin Guidry, (C) Liz Kramer, (L) Ariana Maher, (CA) Johanna the Mad, Maan House, and Gavin Guidry The final issue of the unique wedding/heist mashup Going to the Chapel hits comic book store shelves Christmas week (12/26), and for those who have been following this series, its a perfect holiday gift from the creative team of David Pepose, Gavin Guidry, Liz Kramer, and Ariana Maher. This fourth issue delivers a great conclusion to this unconventional love story, implementing humor, action, slight of hand, yet another twist (there's been a nice little one each issue), and a whole lot of heart.  Does Emily choose her fiancé Jesse or her old flame Tom?  Does Grandma Harriet continue to kick ass?  Whatever happened to the Heart of Dresden sapphires?  And most importantly, how in the hell does David Pepose wrap all of this up in one last issue?  You'll have to pick it up to find out for yourself, but th...

Comic Book Review - Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 2: No Devils, Only God (Zdarsky/Sharma/Fornés)

Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 2: No Devils, Only God - Collecting Daredevil (2019) #6-10 . No Devils, Only God presents writer Chip Zdarsky's second arc on the Daredevil title, one in which he continues to explore Matt's recovery from serious injury and the repercussions of Daredevil's being wanted for murder (see the events in Zdarsky's first arc first arc Know Fear ).    As a result of the accidental death at his hands, Matt is experiencing a crisis of faith in regards to his abilities and actions as Daredevil.  He had previously believed that he had a duty to use his abilities to help protect others, but now questions whether or not he was actually doing good or inadvertently increasing the level of danger of the incidents he intervened in.  Matt decides to give up being Daredevil, but that doesn't stop a number of other concerned citizens of Hell's Kitchen from using him as inspiration putting themselves in danger in an effort to fill his role as...