Timmmaaaaay's Top 10 of 2015

I had originally planned to get this list posted earlier in the month, but as you can tell, that didn't happen. It's funny how spending the better part of two days shoveling snow sucks the motivation to do anything else right out of you. There are still a handful of films that have been nominated for this year's Academy Awards that I would like to see, but seeing as though we've already made it to the last day of January, I figure I shouldn't delay my annual Top 10 list any longer! I've compiled such a list four of the past five years, so those of you familiar with the blog may remember the stipulations I use when putting this list together, but for those who are not, here are a couple of quick points before we get started: The list is pulled only from the movies released in 2015 that I actually saw (a second list comprised of the films from 2015 that I would still like to see appears after my Top 10). These are the films that I enjoyed or appreciated ...