
Showing posts from November, 2014

Trailer Talk - Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)

It is finally here.  After years of wondering whether or not there'd ever be another Star Wars film, a historic purchase of the franchise by Disney, and the announcement that J.J. Abrams would helm an Episode VII, we finally have the first look at The Force Awakens! I've always loved Star Wars.  But at the same time, I've never been such a fanatic that I would get in great debates over the tiniest details.  Just like most people my age, I believe that Episodes IV, V, and VI comprise one of the best trilogies I've ever seen (if not the best) and, while I can see some good in Episodes I, II, and III, I generally look down on them as having not lived up to the originals. I have also enjoyed most things J.J. Abrams has been involved in that I've seen.  I can't help but be encouraged by his recent revival of another Sci-Fi franchise: Star Trek.  At this point, the only thing that sucks is that Abrams is known for being secretive and not revealing too much in hi...

Review - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014), PG-13, 123 minutes - Those familiar with the books know that The Hunger Games was originally a trilogy, the third installment of which was Mockingjay.  Shortly after the monumental success of the first film in 2012, it was announced that not only would they be completing The Hunger Games story on the big screen, but that the final chapter would be split into two films (which seems to have become a popular trend in recent years).  At the time of the announcement, I was a little disappointed.  Being a fan of the books, I didn't feel as though splitting Mockingjay was necessary.  It just seemed like a greedy Hollywood move.  Having seen Mockingjay - Part 1, I have to admit that I now understand why they made the split. Mockingjay - Part 1 takes place shortly after the end of last year's Catching Fire.  Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) awakens in the care of the District 13 facility which was previously believed to ...

Review - Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014), R, 119 minutes - I've been looking forward to this film for just about a year now, ever since learning that Michael Keaton would be starring in the latest project from director  Alejandro González Iñárritu.  Since its initial release a month ago I have been waiting not-so-patiently for a) it to come to my local art house theater and b) a little break in the long list of things we've been trying to get done in the new house.  Thanks to a technical difficulty last week that wiped out this review once, I'm finally able to get my thoughts down 'on paper' so to speak. Michael Keaton plays Riggan, a washed up actor whose claim to fame was starring in a superhero franchise twenty years ago.  He's working on writing, directing, and starring in a Broadway show that he hopes will show the world that he still has the drawing power he had in his prime.  Getting the show ready proves to be quite a struggle ...

Review - Interstellar

Interstellar (2014), PG-13, 169 minutes  - There are a handful of directors whose films I will make the time for no matter what.  It doesn't matter how much I know or have seen of one of their films, I know that I'll enjoy it.  Christopher Nolan is in that group and I have tried very hard to avoid any other information about Interstellar that could spoil the film.  These efforts were undoubtedly helped by our recent move - I just haven't had the time to browse the web and inadvertently stumble across something spoilery. At an undisclosed time in Earth's future, the planet has become increasingly uninhabitable.  Each year more and more crops fall to blight and corn is one of the few that has not yet been infected.  The atmosphere has deteriorated and vicious dust storms are a regular occurrence.  Most of the planet is focused on trying to adapt their way of life to cope with the changes, but a secretly re-constituted NASA (they had been shut down to...