Timmmaaaaay's Top 10 Films of 2017
After skipping a Top 10 list last year because I don't think I had even seen ten films (due to the second job era), this post marks the return of this feature to nerdinthenoke.com ! I transitioned the content of the blog a bit in 2017, but even so I saw and reviewed more than enough films to compile this list which is pretty exciting. What I didn't realize was how difficult it was actually going to be to pick out just ten films as I really enjoyed most of what I saw this past year. I've compiled such a list five of the past seven years, so those of you familiar with the blog may remember the stipulations I use when putting this list together, but for those who are not, here are a couple of quick points before we get started: The list is pulled only from the movies released in 2017 that I actually saw (a second list comprised of the films from 2017 that I would still like to see appears after my Top 10). These are the films that I enjoyed or appreciated...