Collected Comic Review - Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa

Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa - Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) #23 Prior to last fall, I really hadn't read much Doctor Strange (just Roger Stern and Mike Mignola's Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment, Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin's Doctor Strange: The Oath, and the recently finished Jason Aaron/Chris Bachalo run on the title). I thoroughly enjoyed all of those, and as more collected material was released leading up to last November's film, I found myself picking up and reading more and more of the Sorcerer Supreme's adventures. The one story that was always given overwhelming praise was Into Shamballa. The only problem being that it was an OGN (original graphic novel) from the Marvel Graphic Novel line of the early 1980's that has never been reprinted. I scoured the web, never feeling comfortable dropping the kind of cash being asked for the available copies I came across. As a result, Into Shamballa took up residence on the 'in...