Thor by Jason Aaron

This page will be the permanent home for my second pet project: a visual reading order for Jason Aaron's Epic Thor Run as it pertains to the various collected editions produced for the run.  The run has gone on for seven years and has included numerous title changes as well as crossing over with and being impacted by multiple major Marvel events.  The constant title changes and volume re-numbering has caused the run to be difficult to follow in collected editions for those who haven't been following along from the beginning.  My hope is that this visual reference will act as an aid for those trying to figure out how to best acquire/read this run in collected editions.

I have shared the link in a couple of other locations, but also wanted to provide a central location for easy access.  The file can be accessed here:

Please keep in mind that the file was created in Google Sheets. If you encounter any issues trying to access it, check which browser you are using. I already know for a fact that it does not play well with MS Edge.

I will continue to update the file as new collected edition volumes are released in an attempt to keep it as accurate and current as possible (a Version History is listed below as well as on a tab within the spreadsheet itself). If you have any issues or questions please feel free to contact me at via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter.

I hope my Jason Aaron's Epic Thor Run Collected Edition Reading Order. I hope you find it useful!

King Thor (2019) #4 Variant Cover (Mike del Mundo)

(A full version history can be found in the spreadsheet itself)

2021-08-06 - v1.14
- Added Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection Vol. 5 (2022) and War of the Realms Omnibus Reprint (2022) as an upcoming release and updated contents/volume information for the Thor by Jason Aaron Omnibus Vol. 1 (2022).


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