Quick Update

As some of you know my wife and I have had our house on the market since mid-April.  Things had been relatively slow moving for most of that time, but about three weeks ago that changed.  We had been actively touring many houses in the area and within days of each other we found the house that we wanted to call home for years to come and were also fortunate enough to find a buyer for our current house.  As a result of the increased buying/selling activity, I've not had the time to update the blog in that time.  I wish I could say that I just hadn't had the time to sit down to write reviews, but I actually haven't even been to the movies since my last post for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.  

I would like to apologize to those who may check in regularly or periodically for the lack of new content recently.  I would also like to apologize in advance for the more than likely potential inactivity over the coming weeks as time is swallowed up by packing, (hopefully) minor touch ups and repairs, and unpacking.  I have been eagerly awaiting both Gone Girl and Birdman and hope to be able to make time to squeeze them in over the next couple of weeks.

As always, I will post as I am able, but I wanted to take a minute to let you know what was going on and why the fairly regular posts had stopped.  I have not abandoned my little corner of the web.  My reviews have just become less frequent until we can get moved and settled in our new home.

If you have seen anything in the last few weeks and would like to share your thoughts, feel free to do so here.  Thanks for checking in, and I hope to get something new posted for you all soon!  


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