Happy New Year! And Things to Come...

Happy New Year everyone!  I would like to apologize again for the lack of content around here over the back half of 2016.  The good news is that in between the dropping of my part time job and the hub-bub of the busy holiday season, I've been quietly working on a couple of things that will hopefully get content updates back on track around here.  Now that the calendar has turned to 2017, I thought it was a good time to touch base and let everyone know that some new, hopefully fun stuff will be on the way.  I'm not quite sure on the timeline yet, but keep an eye here, on facebook, google+, or twitter for future updates.

I'd also like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to you all for your continued interest and support of my hobby and my little corner of the interwebs!

- Tim (your Nerd in the 'Noke)


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