Indie Comic Preview - Going to the Chapel [2019] #1

Going to the Chapel [2019] #1 - (W) David Pepose, (A) Gavin Guidry, (C) Liz Kramer, (L) Ariana Maher with Colin Bell, (CA) Lisa Sterle, Maan House, and Gavin Guidry.

It always drives me crazy when I recognize a creator's name, but can't for the life of me place it.  When that happens to me, it generally means that something they've worked on has made its way onto my ever-growing "to read" list, but that I haven't actually gotten to it yet.  It turns from maddening to embarrassing when you receive a message from a creator asking if you'd like to give their new series an advance look and you realize that one of their previous titles is on said list, but after two years, still remains unread.  Such was my embarrassment when David Pepose reached out about his upcoming mini-series, Going to the Chapel from publisher Action Lab: Danger Zone.

The four issue mini-series opens with Emily Anderson preparing to walk down the aisle to wed architect Jesse Moore, with lyrics from The Dixie Cups' 1964 hit Chapel of Love helping to set the tone.  Meanwhile, the notorious Bad Elvis Gang is preparing for their latest heist (we'll learn that they've already knocked over six local banks in the past year).  As the lyrics work their way up to the famous chorus, we see a two page title-splash that provides a narrative break that allows an opportunity for the story to jump four hours earlier.  As Emily's family chaotically tries to put the finishing touches on the day's preparations, she confides in her sister that she's getting cold feet.  Meanwhile, Jesse and his groomsmen are having one final drink at a local bar, where the impending wedding makes the news thanks to the $250 million Dresden sapphire necklace that Emily will be wearing (on loan from Paris) thanks to her father's business connections.  As one might expect, this news draws attention from more than just the locals.

Don't be fooled by the name, Going to the Chapel is not some sappy romantic comedy.  Sure, there are some comedic moments, but this first issue gave me much more of a Tarantino-vibe, albeit not as ultra-violent.  That may be due to the way the scenes are intercut, or even the remote nature of the chapel a la Kill Bill, but either way it is definitely done effectively.

Unfortunately, I was as unfamiliar with the works of Pepose's collaborators as I was with his prior to this issue.  I really enjoyed Going to the Chapel #1 and I thought that the visuals brought to the table by Gavin Guidry and Liz Kramer fit the story really well and did a great job of illustrating the first chapter of this whacky, wedding-heist tale.  Were the Dresden sapphires the only target of the Bad Elvis Gang?  I will definitely have to pick up issues 2-4 in order to see how things play out.

An official trailer for the series is embedded below, and beneath that you will find Previews pre-order codes for issues two and three.  The pre-order cut off for issue one was this past week, so be sure to check out your LCS on September 4, 2019 to get in on this title from the beginning!

*You can preview the first few pages of Going to the Chapel #1 by following the link above.

For those curious about which previous Pepose work was on my "to read" list without my realizing it, it was Spencer & Locke.  I've also learned that there is now a Spencer & Locke 2 as well.  Neither of which will be on my list much longer as I intend to read both as soon as possible.

Going to the Chapel #1: JUL191409 - In Stores 9/4/19!

Going to the Chapel #2: AUG191482

Going to the Chapel #3: SEP191367


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